Britt Stamer, ND

Dr. Britt Stamer is a registered naturopathic doctor who provides holistic care to people in Minnesota and across the country. Naturopathic medicine found me as a pre-med college student in Minnesota. Having always been interested in nutrition, food, and moving my body, naturopathic medicine resonated with my core values. It offered a paradigm where prevention is key and honored the healing power of our bodies and nature.   

This medicine also allows me to hear all about you. My goal is to listen to your story in order to provide an integrative approach where I view each person as a whole being and not separate systems. More than that, I believe in patient care that is holistic, sustainable, and individualized. 

I received my doctoral training at the oldest naturopathic medical school in the country, National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR. Also, earning a certificate in Natural Childbirth, attending 48 births and hundreds of prenatal and postpartum visits. I then completed a 1-year primary care residency at NUNM learning from dozens of naturopathic doctors working in various clinical settings. 

My training during this time included nutritional therapy, botanical medicine, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, pharmaceuticals, counseling, and physical medicine. 

My goal is to help you feel the best you can, and help you maintain that health and well-being. I want to guide you on the journey to heal yourself.


My Story

While I found naturopathic medicine for the first time as a pre-med student during my undergraduate studies, my path to this profession started much before that.

I was a very sick child, beginning right when I came out of the womb. I was unable to breastfeed and could not keep any nutrition that my parents offered to me. I underwent many tests, hospital stays, and treatments with the solution eventually being having ear tubes placed twice and removal of my adenoids and tonsils. While my symptoms subsided for a time, my health issues continued. I have likely had over 50 courses of antibiotics in my life, was placed on proton pump inhibitors at age 12 until age 19, and eventually required an appendectomy all while having chronic digestive issues.

During this time, I was an active and relatively healthy kid, excelled in school and sports, and had rich relationships.

When I found naturopathic medicine, I was interested in health in the way of food and exercise. Being a college athlete had taught me those things were very important. Yet, certain health issues continued.

Naturopathic medicine came into my life at this time and helped me heal with tools beyond the commonly used. Food, lifestyle changes, herbs, supplements, mindset shifts, and energy medicine all created a space for my body to shift and create health. Healing is a continual process and the body is always in a constant state of balancing.

I am now happy to be a guide and part of that healing process with my own patients.